| �������������� ������ �������������� ������� (����, PLL) � ������������ �������. ����������. ������� | | | | ������������ �������������� ������ �������������� ������� (����, PLL) � ������������ ������� Circuit Sage's pll2nd.mcd (and pdf) a 2nd order PLL design routine. Circuit Sage's pll3rd.mcd (and pdf), a Mathcad routine to calculate the loop parameters, and settling response of a 3rd-order PLL. Circuit Sage's boostpll3rd.mcd (and pdf), a Mathcad routine to calculate the loop parameters of a current-boosted 3rd-order PLL. Circuit Sage's swresboostpll3rd.mcd (and pdf), a Mathcad routine to calculate the loop parameters of a switched-resistor current-boosted 3rd-order PLL. PLL Design Assistant, from Mike Perrott at MIT, software for allows fast and straightforward design of PLLs at the transfer function level. PLL: Free PLL analysis from Michael Ellis. J. Cheah's phase noise mathcad routine. RF Globalnet's PLL software page. Lance Lascari's Mathcad PLL tools. Free. Check out the rest of his website. Eagleware PLL Design: PLL synthesis software. Probably in the $600-$1500 range. Automated PLL Synthesis ,An automated PLL IC layout compiler, and another one: PLL Expert, and another one: Barcelona. National's PLL Design Software: A change from their old routine to be much more powerful and completely web based. With power comes some loss in ease of use. Nevertheless a good job. Interactive Digital Phase Locked Loop Design Tony Fisher's digital PLL designer. National's EASY PLL Simulator and Mathcad routines for PLL Analysis PLL2 Home Page , PLL3 Home Page , DOS programs for PLL design. ADI's SimPLL, A free tool for simulating (ADI's) PLLs. Applied Radio Labs' SimPLL PLL simulator. $495. Free Demo. A simple 2nd order PLL calculator. Stephan Weber's Elekta, $109, some simple PLL design capabilities, but a good tool overall. An online 3rd order PLL designer by GBPPR. Simulink's communication system toolbox. PLL, by Eric L. Unruh, $300. Direct digital synthesis Mathcad worksheets. Download Mathcad Explorer Free, A free viewier for Mathcad versions 8 and lower. You can edit, but not save. Mathcad Tutorial, a good tutorial by Sidney Young and Theresa Julia Zielinski. Valery Ochkov's Book on Mathcad usage. Hittite's online PLL phase noise calculator. Blake's PLL Analyzer, from rfglobalnet. Virtual Silicon: PLL Silicon Compiler based on standard cells. Limited but appropriate for some needs. Information on Mathcad from Mathsoft. Articles on PLL design using EEsof software.. ������ �� �������������� ������ �������������� ������� (����, PLL) 1. Effective design of low-jitter PLL clock generators. An interesting overview of when to use PLLs for clock generation. 2. PLL_seminar.pdf , Good overview of PLL design. 3. Reduced Filter Requirements Using an Ultra Low Noise Modulator (Microwave Journal) , Good overview of transmit architectures. 4. Fujitsu PLL Application Note, Good information on PLL design. 5. PLL Fundamentals, A Motorola applications note. 6. A good article on synthesizer design by Synergy. 7. An in-dpeth article from TI on fractional-N synthesis. 8. Basic article on PLLs. 9. PLL design one, two, three by Mark Curtin and Paul O'Brien at Analog Devices. 10. Ken Kundert's article on PLL modeling and simulation. 11. Wideband modulation of PLL's by 12. Fractional-N synthesizers by Gary Appel. 13. PLL design byKyong-Pil Jeong. 14. NEC Research Index. Many good papers on PLL design. Extremely useful. 15. ESSCIRC website. Many articles on PLL design. Very good. 16. How to Design Synthesizers by Steve Williamson. 17. Smithson's article on PLL design. 18. Loop filter design (good procedure in middle of paper) (DON'T use divider from this paper, it has extremely bad spurious problems) 19. Thomas Stichelbout's thesis on fractional-N synthesizers. 20. Modeling PLL dynamics by Ed Druker. 21. Delta-Sigma PLL's by Andy Howard of HP. 22. Tom Riley's paper on fractional-N synthesis. 23. Comstron application note on phase noise theory. 24. From the Frequency Control Symposium: Principles of PLLs, and Low-Noise Oscillator Design. 25. PLL article, by Charan Langton. 26. Fractional N , A good tutorial from TI on PLLs and fractional-N synthesis. 27. Old articles on VCOs, PLLs, etc. 28. John Maneatis' papers on PLL design. ������� ��� (Phase Noise) � �������� (Spurs) - 1. Techniques for Measuring Phase Noise , A low cost method for measuring crystal oscillator phase noise. Wenzel also has useful information on crystal oscillators.
2. Substrate Noise in Mixed-Signal ICs - Presentations , A good collection of reports on substrate noise coupling. 3. IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society , Some newsletters on EMC. 4. Crosstalk Articles , Good articles on crosstalk from Doug Brooks. 5. Westbay Tools, software for emc (electromagnetic compatibility) modeling and analysis ,Too expensive for too little. 6. Inductance nags, tools lag in 0.13-micron ICs , Some EET Papers on inductive spur coupling. 7. Applied Radio Labs' information on phase noise. 8. Lance Lascari's paper on phase noise prediction. 9. PLL Stability, by Arun Mansukhani. 10. Lots of information on ground loop problems. 11. Ali Hajimiri's notes on phase noise. 12. Konstantin Kouznetsov's article on phase noise. 13. Pease's ground noise article. 14. Tomi Engdahl's article on ground loops. 15. Maxim's application note on noise coupling in cellular handsets. 16. Circuit layout techniques by Bonnie Baker. 17. Chapter 5 of the book "EMC for Product Designers" has good descriptions of positive reactive coupling. 18. Some notes on substrate coupling. 19. Patrick Larsson's paper on jitter from digital noise. 20. Tallis Blalack free lecture on on-chip RF isolation techniques. 21. Substrate Coupling Software: Snaketech's Layin, SeismIC, Substratestorm, Silvaco's Altas, SCA, iSREX, SPACE, SWAN from IMEC, PASCALE, ��������� (Crystal), LC � ��������� (Ring) ���������� 1. Quartz Resonator & Oscillator Tutorial , A great, extensive tutorial on crystal oscillators. mirror. Other articles from Frequency Control Society. 2. Oscillators , A good collection of links on oscillators at epanorama. 3. Oscillator Design , A good collection of links and books from ss-mag on oscillator design. 4. RF avenue's information on oscillator design. 5. Design of a 5 GHz VCO by Thomas Dellsperger. 6. History of Crystal Oscillators, by Virgil E. Bottom. 7. Choosing the right crystal , a short article from the Circuit Cellar. 8. crystal.mcd: A Mathcad routine to analyze a crystal's equivalent circuit. 9. Crystal theory of operation, Fox-online articles on crystal oscillators. 10. An Introduction to Oscillator Design: Looks good at first, but I have trouble making use of this page. 11. Frerking crystal history paper, A great history by Marvin Frerking. 12 . A good tutorial on oscillator design. 13 . EEsof articles on oscillator design. 14. Wenzel PLL and oscillator articles. 15. Oscillator, VCO, and crystal oscillator design by Ian Purdie. 16. ARRL's oscillator design article by Rhode. Other articles: 1, 2. 17. S-parameter design of VCOs by Koji Harada. 18. Philips' crystal oscillator application note. 19. How to Design Oscillators by Andrew Dearn. 20. MiniCircuits article on VCO design. Not that good. 21. Maxim oscillator articles. 22. 2.4 GHz VCO by N. Troedsson. 23. Phase Noise paper by Ali Hajimiri from Lucio Rodoni's collection of papers. ����� �� �������������� ���� � ������������ ������� 1. PLL Performance, Simulation, and Design, Banarjee, $24.95. Yasuii, ne! 2. PLL: Design, Simulation, and Applications, Best. 3. Wireless CMOS Frequency Synthesizer Design, Craninckx, $126.50, 0792381386, Kluwer 4. Frequency Synthesizer Design Handbook, James A. Crawford; 1994 5. CMOS Fractional-N Synthesizers, De Muer, $115, 1402073879 6 . PLL Digitali, (in Italian), Catello Antonio De Rosa. 7. Phase-Lock Basics and Frequency Synthesis by Phase Lock 0471321044, by William F. Egan. 8. Phaselock Techniques, Gardner, 1979, The original reference for PLLs. $110, 0471042943, Wiley. 9. PLLs and Frequency Synthesis, Kroupa, $135, 0470848669, Wiley 10. Synchronization in Digital Comms: Phase-Frequency-Locked Loops, Meyr 11. Automated Calibration of Modulated Frequency Sythesizers, McMahill, $105, 0792375890, Kluwer 12. Frequency Synthesizer Design, Rategh, $105, 0792375335, Kluwer 13 . Monolithic PLLs and Clock Recovery Circuits, Razavi. 14. Phase Locking in High-Performance Systems, Razavi, $110, 0471447277, Wiley 15. Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers, Rhode. 16. Wireless PLLs, Stephens, $128, 0792376021, Kluwer 17. Architectures for RF Frequency Synthesizers, Vaucher, $120, Kluwer 1402071205 18 . PLL Circuit Design, Wolaver. $92, 0136627439 ����� �� �� ����������� 1 . Oscillator Design Principles (Video Course), Les Besser. 2. Design of Higher Performance CMOS VCOs, Dai, $110, 1402072384, Kluwer 3. The Design of Low Noise Oscillators, Hajimiri, $121, 0792384555 4. RF and Microwave Oscillator Design, Odyniec, $109, 158033205, Artech. 5 . HF Oscillator Design , a video course by Randall W. Rhea. $500. Noble. 6. Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation , Randall Rhea, $64. 1884932304. 7. Oscillators and Oscillator Systems: Classification, Analysis and Synthesis, Westra, $132, 0792386523, Kluwer 8 . Oscillator Book listing from Fox Oscillators. �����: ���� � �������� Noise and Other Interfering Signals, by Ralph Morrison. $124. RF & Microwave Oscillator Design, Michal Odyniec. Noise Reduction In Electronic Systems, Henry W. Ott, great for spur analysis. Capacitance, Inductance, and Crosstalk Analysis , Charles S. Walker; 1990. Signal Integrity Simplified, Bogatin, $80, Prentice, 0130669466. | Last update on 04/25/2008 ���� ��������� � ������ ����������, ��������������� ���������� � ������������. ���� �������������� ����������, ������������ � ��������, ������� ����� �������� � �������� ����� ��� ��������� �� �-�����. |||| �������� ����� |||| Copyright � 1999-2008 Sergey Dinges - ������ ������, RFDesign.ru, email: rfdesign@yandex.ru |
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