
mobile app design company india

What apps Can
not limited to

Our customers often ask us to develop mobile apps for these categories, but we''re not limited to these only.


Business and Finance apps

We provide handy business and finance apps for your business growth. VOCSO is the most affordable mobile app development agency, creates intuitive and engaging iOS and Android apps to manage your business finance.

We design and develop perfect entertainment apps which perform faster on iPhone and Android devices. Entertainment apps developed by VOCSO's help mobile users kill their boredom and let increase entertainment quotient.


Interactive Education apps

We deliver quality apps for education industry to enhancing people knowledge and skills. using mobile apps in education. VOCSO is a trusted education app development platform for custom education apps. Get in touch with our expert for an educational app for iPhone and Android.


Health, Fitness and Medical app

VOCSO is the fastest growing mobile app development agency, provides awesome health and fitness apps for iPhone and Android users to help them lead a healthier, happier life. Hire professional mobile health app developers for the medical & health-based business/industry from VOCSO.

We design and develop high performance and friendly social networking apps to make your social media business like the most popular social networking apps. Get custom-built, beautifully designed social media applications that help brands & businesses harness the power of social networks to engage their audience. If you are really keen to build a community around your product and services, the social network app developed by VOCSO's can be a great way to create, nurture and manage one to boost social media presence.


Travel, Lifestyle and Sports app

VOCSO is a technologically advanced Travel App Development firm, with a team of very innovative designers and superb developers. We are developing mobile applications for the travel & lifestyle businesses and agencies since 2009. With travel, lifestyle and sports apps solution, we add various features in one app. Launch your brand new travel and lifestyle mobile app with a full pack of features with VOCSO's.

We are a leading Platform for creating a mobile app for a magazine or a newspaper business. Our customized apps with Bleeding-edge Technology and Modern User Interfaces help mobile audience to read your magazines or news anytime and anywhere on iOS and Android devices.


Productivity and Utility app

Get the best utility & productivity apps for iPhone and Android included simple flows and layouts, and standard user interface elements. Grow more audience with our fully featured productivity and utility apps to build a unique experience among your business app.

We develop custom mobile applications that fit your business needs. Get in touch with us to get high quality and fully customized mobile apps in your budget.

  • Latest Mobile apps developed by VOCSO

    Avantha Employee Engagement Apps

    Mobile App Development Services/Features

    • Mobile apps for iOS & Android
    • Secure Access - domain based authentication
    • Newsletter publishing
    • Real time Analytics
    • Commenting & Bookmarking
    • Push Notifications

    View Portfolio

Do you create apps for both iOS and Android?

Oh yes! Here at VOCSO, we can design anything bespoke and customised to fulfil your requirements, irrespective of OS platform. As a mobile app development company, we understand the importance of universal compatibility across the spectrum. Hence we deploy development bases including React (native) which empowers dual support.

Does VOCSO also design web applications connecting to our app?

Need you ask? For every mobile app that we build, a web based application is needed to power it. We realise the significance of this foundation, as often apps require a web server for various aspects such as authentication, pushing data to cloud and multi-device access. In addition to this, you may want to replicate the app functionality on the web, we would leverage our expertise to create seamless web applications for your mobile app!

How do you ensure that you build according to my desired specs and are accurate?

Over the years we've combined our experience into setting up the right processes for the development. We methodically meet you first to understand your business needs so well that we'd be able to pave the way forward in advance without any further guidance. This involves formulating a combined blueprint with the precise specs that you desire. Upon this agreement, we plan accordingly (keeping you informed at every stage and set checkpoints to avoid any deviation). Subsequently we seek your feedback to ensure that the result meets (if not exceeds) the original expectations. This involves drafting a comprehensive spec sheet with wireframes where required so that everyone is calibrated and can work synergistically.

How will VOCSO support me during the development process?

We will delegate an exclusive project manager acting as your main contact point during the entire development process. Every query is dealt with via our support portal, ensuring that our responses are prompt and your tasks are suitably managed. Our collaborative approach entails various methods to review and share inputs in a timely as well as flexible manner. This empowers everyone to implement finer improvements and continuously hone your app. You'll relish how accessible we are and the 'always ready on standby' attitude that we have. A plethora of after sales assistance is available, so we're always there for you!

Will I have full ownership of the source code?

Yes, of course - your idea will always belong to you! You'll be granted suitable copyright or licence rights to the specific code which we write for you. We uphold intellectual property rights and are forthcoming about our code ownership T&Cs prior to starting any work.

How do you protect my app and data from security threats?

We implement robust security practices with the best encryption in force to protect your valuable data assets at all times. Regular software revisions and patches along with firewalls always protect your data. Backend server codes are HTTPS compliant and use SSL certification. Password dual encryption algorithms and credential storage reinforce sensitive data against any privacy breaches (rendering it virtually impossible to decrypt). Our readymade frameworks avoid user inputs to shield against SQL injections, XSS, host-header and CSRF exploits and circumventing direct file revelations via classified directories. We limit debugging modes to testing systems to ensure that live servers never (albeit inadvertently or erroneously) divulge source codes. These codes are autonomous and are scanned by other software upon writing to add another layer of security (by detecting any vulnerabilities).

Public-private keys grant developers SSH access to hosted accounts upon applying code, enabling secure management of access credentials. Frequent hardware backups establish recover pathways in any untoward event. You can integrate your site or app using secured CDNs such as CloudFlare or Akamai which protect against DDoS and reduce latency too. They also reinforce firewalls plus anti virus software, are rate limiting and conceal your server's IP address from malicious threats (such as malware). Payment gateways operate via commercially versatile PCI-compliant processes. Our entire workforce abide by such guidelines and are continually refreshed with updated protocol. Premises are protected by restricted and trackable access and CCTV, whilst we offer project audits for businesses using Tenable Nessus software. By signing an NDA, we uphold the utmost privacy of your data.

How long does it take to design and release an app?

This is dependent on a variety of variables when releasing a project - upon doing so, certain requirements can incur delays. Either way, we'll always keep you updated with any (revised) timelines and a realistic final launch date.

What type of continual support, maintenance and updates do you offer?

We offer a warranty of 12 months post completion to cover any coding related issues that may be discovered later. If you would like to smoothly run your operations with the app, it may be advisable to opt for one of our paid maintenance plans. The plan will cover from basic issues to more advance needs such as upgrades and enhancements. Planning ahead is crucial, especially for technically advanced apps to cater for their tweaks, updates and support. Monthly maintenance cost is based upon the number of hours needed and this is influenced by your project magnitude and new or revised functionality (which may keep evolving). Keeping a checklist to delegate important tasks and set their priority based on value added services.

Further continual needs post your app going live may warrant an AGILE approach along with monthly plans to create, test and apply extra features regularly. This would cover associated development costs and can always be planned in advance. This forms part of our mobile app design and development charter.

What modifications can I implement within my app or site post launching?

These could be anything you wish and this is why we advise publishing an elementary version initially to go live, followed by any honing en route. Such a staggered approach is known as a 'minimum viable product' (MVP). This is based on the presumption that you'll only ever expose and scrutinise as well as gauge an app upon testing it under actual conditions. An initial lightweight version can check this and determine the necessities in the future, hence improving efficiency by minimising wastage.

The choices offered surrounding this include app or site updates, depending on projects. These are then estimated, planned and executed as per agreement. You can always then modify these at a later stage. Alternatively, the monthly AGILE model always exists for its active disposal.

Which programming languages and frameworks are used?

We prefer using open source languages (when feasible) with HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the front end and JavaScript or PHP at the back. Let's not forget that while iOS uses Swift or Objective-C, Android deploys Java. React Native is a popular choice for mobile app projects. However Cordova & PhoneGap are alternatives if we're working within a financial constraint (or require prompt support for web, Android and iOS).

Web apps that use frontend layout frameworks such as bootstrap, foundation, material and SemanticUI, may be combined with front-end coded nomenclature like React or Angular. For back-end, a PHP framework such as Laravel, Yii2 or even NodeJS (sporadically) are used.


Can existing web systems, tools, sites or CRM be linked with new apps?

Often, yes - as contemporary apps with a universal interface (although it's advisable to consult any available API documentation to ensure integrated compatibility). Our vast experience in this field with various tools includes social media, ecommerce, CMS, navigation, office suites, dating solutions, payment gateways, video sharing platforms, mail clients and analytics to name but a few. Being a leading web design and mobile app development company, we cater for all these intricacies.

Can you collaborate with my current technical / design / marketing team?

Why not? We pride ourselves on working on custom portfolios and so we're accustomed to working alongside other teams. Upon doing so (with any pertinent stakeholder), we endeavour to establish a rapport and drive workflows synergistically with everyone. If such participants are essential to a project's fruition, then it's advisable to correspond with them in the initial stages. This helps to brainstorm and navigate through any obstacles, like with any professional mobile application development company.

Can you use our existing designs?

Hopefully, yes - although we advise undertaking our autonomous creations, as it guarantees fidelity and reliability. Nevertheless, we're always open to new ideas and if you have robust designs which instills confidence in their performance, we'll always accommodate them. Then again, if they fall short of this, we'd candidly recommend to go with our recommendations, however will still to implement any productive ideas from them.

Can you host my site or app?

Yes, provided that the resource demands are nominal, we can offer hosting projects via our managed servers. However in case you require specialised or heavy resources, we'll then establish your independent dedicated, cloud, or load balanced hosting environment. To exemplify, high traffic volumes can be overwhelming to process, hence we may elect a specialised multi-server with Amazon EC2, CloudFront, Elastic Load Balancer and S3 storage facilities. You can always begin with an elementary system and build according to increasing need.

Can you manage our marketing channels on our behalf (Social media, Adwords, email, etc)?

We can offer some assistance in this respect, namely advice on strategies for engagement and planning ahead (given our experience). Moreover, we can also formulate solutions to integrate with your social media or email marketing tools for a unified approach. We're a professional digital marketing agency that offers results which drive marketing services. We also manage marketing campaigns across various platforms (including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google and so on). With over a decade of expertise in SEO, Google Ads, social media and brand representation management, you can be sure that we'll deliver the very best to you - every time! Our focus is to boost your ROI and analyse areas of improvement.

Why should you hire VOCSO instead of another mobile application development agency?

Our acumen in designing advanced apps is second to none, as a mobile app design company in India. We possess over a decade of expertise in various domains, including collaborating with established development units and frameworks to promote new apps as well as features. This is all then integrated to formulate a synchronised and unified platform for you to build your concepts on. At VOCSO, we're here to serve, engage and flourish your business with our sustainable outlook.

Should I be concerned about the recent EU GDPR rule framework?

Absolutely, as these guidelines will affect your enterprise if you have a site, or store customer information. Overlooking these can invite penalties of up to 4% of your revenue, or €20 million - hence it's imperative to follow. Here at VOCSO, we respect your privacy and abide by the data protection and control that this (or any act for that matter) executes on your behalf. We supplement this enforcement to ensure that the data controller & processor (i.e. us) adheres to these guidelines, safeguarding the subject (the customer themself). This includes Personal Identifiable Information (PII), such as biodata ranging from names to demographic details. Everyone should be clear about your data handling terms, returns policy and any disclaimers in force.

VOCSO assures that your app design will be personal information compliant and have privacy design inherently implemented. Examples of this include requesting for explicit consent (via opt-in screens), be visible and transparent with a typical privacy/cookies policy page, respond to any user access requests, uphold their right for details to be purged, review the SDK services offered, alert people in case of data breaches, designate a data protection officer, store via encryption and finally, record data in a safe as well as warranted manner. This way, permission will always be soughts from the users, whilst their rights to object and be informed are upheld too. Be cognizant of the login credentials you handle, analyse all data and deploy dual factor authentication. Educate your users to make them aware of all this and securely destroy redundant, outdated or excessive data. Lastly, check for compliance and respect the wishes of those who unsubscribe by safely deleting their information.

I need to accept payments, how does this work?

We collaborate with in house or integrated systems via third-party vendors including Worldpay, SagePay, Stripe or PayPal. Out of the myriad of suppliers, they can be segmented into two different groups:

Entire end-to-end

Stripe and PayPal are examples of this, although there are others. Here, you can use their service, as they deal with the company facilities and monetisation, whilst furnishing you with a dashboard. Your balance sheet accumulates for every sale and such payments are credited to your bank account (often weekly). This remains a convenient choice, as Stripe levies 1.4% +20p (correct as per publishing) for European cards, and 2.9% +20p for non-European cards. What's more, is that this dedicated service allows for corrections to be made in case of any error. The downside is the extensive KYC documentation and an up to 2 day turnaround time for approval as prerequisites. Generally, there's no monthly maintenance fee for this framework.

Merchant services

SagePay and Worldpay are contenders, which link your bank and site or app. This merchant charges a set price per transaction. Subsequently, your bank also charges a percentage above this fee. The merchants usually charge 10-20p for every transaction and often have specific packages as per order volumes. The main advantage here is the economy and quicker processing time (typically within a day for approval).

Here you'd need to negotiate with your bank regarding the fees charged (businesses do shop around to find the best deal). You should be able to obtain a rate ranging from 1 - 4 %, according to the scale and nature of your business. This method allows funds to clear directly into your account and this is helpful especially when dealing with large sales numbers. Integration warrants greater development time to support, as less payment affiliated features are ready-made, compared to when using an end-to-end provider such as Stripe.

What happens if I change suppliers later or shift development in-house?

We understand that there may be times when you decide to part ways. For instance, start-ups initially wouldn't possess the experience or infrastructural finance for their own development team. However, upon growth, this can change, making this idea more feasible. This is perfectly understandable and if anything, we're ready for that.

Our code is based on common global frameworks, such as React (which incidentally is also used by Facebook). As aforementioned, Objective-C and Swift encode iOS, whilst Android runs on Java. Presuming appropriate use, these are configured with guidelines to ensure reproducibility for developers. This benefits you as well - should something untoward happen, others can resume from where we left off, mitigating any risk. Furthermore, we implement version-control with the industry-standard tool GIT which saves your progress in real time. This allows for all interim stage developments to be saved if you need to restore any version. GIT has an archive of the accessor and their work, when it happened and managing multi team approaches too. This can all then be merged if required. That way, all members can contribute and be sure that their inputs are all saved.

Don't forget that hiring developers in house can be paradoxically expensive, hence we sometimes will outsource and delegate our work to trusted partners for efficient yet quality execution. This way any pricey software tools and licenses are used on a 'pro rata' basis and yet we still take ownership of the work. Such strategies mean quicker project turnover, lower error margins and better expertise (and no liability to procure or maintain this). The aim here is to perform work well without eating away into our resources which could inevitably compromise the service that we offer our clients, here at VOCSO. We all need to remain adaptive in the digital world or continually evolving development, right?

Should I test my app?

Although we offer quality assurance service along with app development, it will always be recommended that you test the app and provide the necessary feedback . Your primary experience will only really gauge the ergonomics of our (combined) creation, as you'd be better aware of what you need. You'd be able to scrutinise things thoroughly for a detailed analysis prior to us officially publishing it. This would also be the case during periodic maintenance to ensure continual functionality as trends continue to evolve. As we're one of the leading if not the best app design companies in many factors, we take your app and site success seriously.

Seamless operating software by eliminating any (albeit inherent) glitches or snags is imperative to drive your business successfully. Hence we thoroughly test your app prior to release with our stringent quality standard checklist here at VOCSO. We do this by maximising automation to reduce human error, factoring modifications during the development process, using sustainable frameworks (for future use), continual testing and scaling with cloud based platforms. Furthermore, functional automated, regression and localisation testing, performance & stress (aka monkey tests) plus real device/visual global access all add to this. Basic unit and simulation tests can be summarised into a report with findings. Requirement, User Acceptance and smoke testing all ensure that the app fulfils its actual primary objective or purpose.

These can all be scripted or manual, as it promotes revenue generation and ensures accessibility, speedy performance and distributable content. Searchability and user feedback ergonomics are also important. They drive updates, security, SEO, brand value, engages and retains customers, as well as supporting all devices.

Awards and Recognitions

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