
The Road Not Taken Drawing

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ARCR-CRic's avatar

The Road Not Taken


I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

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3508x2480px 9.76 MB

Aazaadii's avatar

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Aazaadii's avatar


Spiritomb1231's avatar

Love it! The meaning is really nice as well, I can relate to it. :3

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thank you very much, glad you think it is meaningful.

Spiritomb1231's avatar

ZiggyJ101's avatar

Incredible work - a picture straight form the soul and no less! I love it! <3

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thank you so much Ziggy, I am really glad that you think this way :D (Big Grin) .

ZiggyJ101's avatar

I think you're ready to try some in-depth shading now - start using your graphic pencils like colouring pencils and make them seem more full! ^.^

ARCR-CRic's avatar

I will give it a try:) (Smile)

ZiggyJ101's avatar

And remember, the key to realistic pencil drawing is in drawing what cannot be seen. Draw the darkness, not the light.

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thanks for the hint we will see what is going to happen;) (Wink)

ZiggyJ101's avatar

LipsterLeo's avatar

I love that poem. You've captured it well!

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thank you very much, it is by far my favorite poem.

Chiletrek's avatar

 It is a very interesting message, I sometimes use it when I talk with some people: that we have to take the less-travelled roads so to get more originality in our works. I suppose it can be applied to many other concepts in life aswell.

 As for the drawing? it looks great, I like the silent ambience it gives and that is one great work by adding all those trees.

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Thank you very much, I always have a hard time to draw forests with all those branches, I am glad you like the message, it is a relief to know that it is clear to understand.

Chiletrek's avatar

 I understand that it can be a challenge to properly translate into english what we have in mind.

 Trees can be messy sometimes, hehehe.

 Backgrounds is something I really need to start doing myself, maybe soon :D .

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Backgrounds are fun but they can be a real challenge sometimes, if you want to start doing it I would recommend for you to check some tutorials about perspective on a bi-dimensional medium, as you work with 3D models, I believe that you will catch the idea very quick, good luck experimenting;) (Wink) .

Chiletrek's avatar

 And thank you very much! But it is very likely that I will start with very simple stuff Sweating a little... . But I will look for tutorials.

 Keep it up!

ARCR-CRic's avatar

Great, I will look forward for it.

Chiletrek's avatar

Thanks :) .

Keep it up you too!

Minoak's avatar

ARCR-CRic's avatar

The Road Not Taken Drawing


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